
By | 2017年6月14日

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) – Italian Space Agency WWW server
Astrium is Europe’s leading space company.
Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
SPENVIS (SPace ENVironment Information System)
University of Bremen – Institute of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing (IUP/ife)
GOME (The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment)
SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY)
Bristol University Centre for Remote Sensing
British National Space Centre (BNSC)
RSADU – Remote Sensing Applications Development Unit
Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CLRC) – UK
BADC – British Atmospheric Data Centre
ATSR – Along Track Scanning Radiometer Project
Chalmers University of Technology – The Remote Sensing Group at the Departement of Radio and Space Science, Gothenburg, Sweden
CNES – Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
University College London – Mullard Space Science Laboratory
University of Copenhagen – Institute of Geography
Chips (The Copenhagen Image Processing System)
Danish Center for Remote Sensing (DCRS) – Dept. of Electromagnetic Systems, Technical University of Denmark
DEFINIENS provides software solutions for intelligent information management in digital analysis of remote sensing imagery. – Munich, Germany.
Delft University of Technology – Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
DLR Web Portal – German Aerospace Center (Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt)
Doxiadis GeoImaging S.A (DXGI) – Athens, Greece
EARS – Environmental Analysis & Remote Sensing Ltd – They are working in a multi-disciplinary environment, such as crop yield forecasting activities, energy and water balance monitoring, and forest monitoring – Delft, The Netherlands
Earth Observation Sciences, Ltd (EOS) – Specialists in the science, technology and application of Earth observation and environmental data management – Surrey, UK
Earth Oriented Science Division at Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON)
Ecole des Mines de Paris, Remote Sensing and Modeling at Center for Energy Studies
Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (French Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering), Le Laboratoire Commun de Télédétection (LCT)
Electromagnetic Waves Research Institute – “Nello Carrara”, Firenze, Italy
Envia Oy – Environmental applications, weather stations, satellite imagery, geomatics. Finland
ERA-Maptec – Ireland
ESA – European Space Agency
earthnet online
Earth Observation Programme
EDMS Home Page – ESA Official Documents Management Service (EMITS, DODIS, ESALEX)
Announcements of Opportunity (AO) Web Site
ESSC Home Page – Environmental Systems Science Centre at The University of Reading, England
EUMETSAT – Europe’s Meteorological Satellite Organisation
EUMITS – EUMETSAT Invitation To Tender System
Eurimage – provides Earth observation products and services, offering worldwide remote sensing users a multi-mission service.
European Space Imaging (EUSI) is a supplier of IKONOS satellite imagery and derived information products to customers in Europe. Munich, Germany.
The European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) is an Agency of the Council of the European Union dedicated to the exploitation and production of information derived primarily from the analysis of earth observation space imagery
National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
Satellite Image Centre
Finnish Forest Research Institute (FFRI, METLA)
Finnish Geodetic Institute, Department of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing researches and develops the use of aerial and satellite photographs for several mapping and inventory tasks
Finnish Institute of Marine Research
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, IL)
University of Florence – Telecommunication Laboratory
GAEL Consultants – Cité Descartes, France
GAF – (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung mbH) is an internationally active consultant firm in the fields of satellite remote sensing, digital image processing, and GIS – Munich, Germany
GAMMA Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG provides consulting services in the field of microwave remote sensing – Bern, Switzerland
GDTA (Groupement pour le Développement de la Télédétection Aérospatiale) offers professional training in Remote Sensing and GIS – France
GEOIMAGE specializes in software for processing Earth observation images – Valbonne, France
GEOSATEL – Interdisciplinary laboratory of statistical geometry applied to remote sensing (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix), Namur, Belgium
Geosense – Experts in GIS & Remote Sensing in support of spatial planning and sustainable management and development of naturel resources – The Netherlands
Geoserve B.V. markets and distributes satellite data and offers high end information and distribution services – The Netherlands
GEOSPACE – The Austrian Satellite Remote Sensing Company
GEOSYS offers geographic information and related services (RS and GIS) – Toulouse, France
GEOSYSTEMS GmbH – Gesellschaft für Vertrieb und Installation von Fernerkundungs- und Geoinformationssystemen, Germering, Germany
GeoVille GmbH provides consultancy, services and products in remote sensing and GIS applications – Innsbruck, Austria
Gesellschaft für digitale Erdbeobachtung und Geoinformation mbH (GEG) – Göttingen, Germany
GISL International Consultants – GIS, Remote Sensing and Informatics Consultancy – UK
Technical University Graz, the Remote Sensing Group at the Institut of Computer Graphics
University of Greenwich – Centre for GIS and Remote Sensing, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Helsinki University of Technology (HUT)
Laboratory of Space Technology
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Hovemere Ltd. is a scientific instrument company based in the UK specialising in the development of optical instruments primarily for use in research applications, e.g. in remote sensing.
IFREMER – Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER (The French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea)
CERSAT – Archiving and Processing center For Wind and Wave Satellite data
InfoSAR Limited (based in Liverpool, UK) specialise in providing consultancy, training and software in Synthetic Aperture Radar and related techniques.
Infoterra – Supplier of Earth Observation satellite imagery, products and remote sensing services. A subsidiary of Astrium, Europe’s leading space company.
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung – Technische Universität Wien (in German)
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung – Universität Karlsruhe (in German)
IGP-ETHZ – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Istanbul Technical University – Center for Satellite Communications and Remote Sensing (ITU-CSCRS) conducts application oriented projects in remote sensing and satellite communications technologies and serve national/international civil/military companies in their research, development, and educational activities.
ISTAR provides geographic information for wireless telecom business using remote sensig – France
ITC Home Page – International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands
Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Communities
Kongsberg Spacetec – Tromsø, Norway
University of Leicester – Geographical Information Science and Earth Observation Research Group at the Department of Geography
MFB-GeoConsulting Gmbh – Remote Sensing and Information Systems – Distribution of satellite data and ERDAS products – Switzerland
M-Sat – Satellite Maps (Landsat 5) – UK
Ocean Colour at MUMM – The Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Belgium
Technische Universität München – Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) – A non-profit research institute affiliated with the University of Bergen, Norway
National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) – The Netherlands
NERC Equipment Pool for Field Spectroscopy (EPFS) at the University of Southampton, UK
NERC Remote Sensing Data Analysis Service (RSDAS) at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Netherlands Remote Sensing Board (BCRS)
NIK System Department – Satellite Imagery & Software & Spectrometers – NIK Insaat Ticaret Ltd. Sti., Istanbul, Türkiye
NORUT Information Technology Ltd. – Satellite remote sensing and image handling, Tromsø
Norwegian Space Centre (Norsk Romsenter)
The University of Nottingham, School of Geography – Geographical Information Science Group
NPA Group – provide expertise in earth observation, remote sensing and digital cartographic information. (UK)
OM&M Observation, Mapping and Monitoring AB is a Swedish subsidiary to the Munich based remote sensing company GAF
PIEneering – software solutions and consulting in photogrammetry, remote sensing, computer vision and parallel image engineering – Finland
PlanetObserver.Com – France
Planetek Italia develops solutions both in the field of GIS) and in processing of remotely sensed images.
Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Oceanology
The Remote Sensing Laboratory
Lidar Laboratory
RAGU – NERC Remote Sensing and GIS Unit (RAGU), University of Plymouth
Remote Sensing Applications Consultants Ltd. (RSAC) – Four Marks, Hampshire, UK
ROT’s main objective is to promote the use of Earth Observation Satellite Imagery in Portugal.
Russian Academy of Sciences – Center of Remote Sensing at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics
sarmap s.a. – Their main areas of expertise is in the development of new methodologies in the Earth Observation domain. They develop and commercialise SARscape. – Switzerland.
Satellite Observing Systems, Ltd. (SOS) – Surrey, UK
Satellus is a Swedish supplier of geographical and environmental information and services from Earth remote sensing satellites
Remote Sensing Satellites – An overview of selected remote sensing satellites
Remote Sensing for the Environment (RESE) is a Swedish researh programme on remote sensing
European Topic Centre on Land Cover – The European Environment Agency (EEA)
ScanEx – Research & Development Center ScanEx is a Russian private company providing full integrated solutions for satellite remote sensing applications.
Scot Conseil – France
Sheffield Centre for Earth Observation Science (SCEOS) at the University of Sheffield, UK
University of Siegen – Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS)
SITEM – Consultoría Técnica en Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección S.L. is a GIS and Remote Sensing company from Barcelona, Spain (Spanish site)
Soil and Water Ltd is an experienced and professional producer and processor of digital geographical information in Finland
Space Monitoring Information Support Laboratory (SMIS) of Space Research Institute (IKI) – Moscow, Russia
Space Systems Finland Ltd. – Design of software for satellites and ground systems
Spectral Imaging Ltd., (SPECIM) is dedicated to develop, produce and market imaging spectrometry instrumentation for industrial machine vision and spectral analysis, airborne remote sensing and scientific applications – Oulu, Finland
Stockholm University – Remote Sensing and Ecological Geography
Stora Enso is developer and provider of EnsoMosaic digital aerial imaging system and software – Vantaa, Finland
University of Stuttgart – Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Group – Germany
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. – UK
Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics – Remote Sensing Laboratory
Synoptics Integrated Remote Sensing & GIS Applications BV – Wageningen, The Netherlands
Synoptics Geo Applications Limited – UK
Tekes – Space Technology – Technology Development Centre Finland
Telecommunications and Remote Sensing Laboratory – Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
TELSAT Guide for Satellite Information – A Belgian platform on remote sensing
The Ukrainian Land and Resource Management Center (ULRMC) serves as a center of excellence in remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies.
University of Vechta – GIS and Remote Sensing Group – Germany
Remote sensing and atmospheric processes at Vito (Flemish institute for technological research) – Belgium
Remote Sensing of Environment Laboratory – Warsaw University, Poland
University of Zurich
Remote Sensing Laboratories (RSL)
Remote Sensing Applications Division
Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Division
VTT, Remote Sensing Group – Technical Research Centre of Finland (Host organisation of this index)